Episode 132 - Who Are You?

Marketing is something we've all got to do. Although it sounds like a big commercial word, basically, marketing is just letting other people know who you are and what you do. 

As simple as it seems, it can cause some people to hit the wall and feel stuck, because to market themselves, they've got to feel happy with their identity. The identity they feel in property may not be congruent with what they feel they want the world to see. Is that you?

In this quick episode, I’m sharing my take on the challenges on marketing as a property solopreneur, how to overcome insecurity, be authentic on social media, and step into the shoes you’re comfortable in.


What Is Covered: 

-Why insecurity in one’s property identity is much more common than you think

-Two camps of property investors

-How to be authentic and recognizable on social media

-How to remain professional without fitting into categories or being pushed into a label

-How you can embrace multiple property roles


So don't let the small stuff stop you from doing the big stuff. Step into the property shoes that you're going to feel comfortable in. Trust me, it’s all just a mindset shift.



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