Episode 125 - 5 Core Business Activities that Drive Success

Part of being a property solopreneur is mastering areas of our business that have little or nothing to do with property per se. Yet keeping them under control is what will ensure our business keeps breathing. So, in today's episode, I'll be talking about the 5 core business activities you must dominate to ensure your property business success. 

What Is Covered:


-Why being a proactive manager is crucial, even if you are an introvert

-Why every solopreneur must know, set and manage KPIs

-How to stay updated and focused on your property goals

-The various aspects of business every solopreneur must master

-The advantages of working with business strategists


Mastering these five core activities will make you feel more confident about what you are doing and realise your path to success is achievable. You can learn to market your business, motivate and manage yourself, be ready and willing to adapt, and become your finance director. Remember, if you need help balancing core property activities with essential business management, you can always learn from someone who has already done it.



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